The Establish and Expansion Programs are courses designed to help women get clear on what a life they love really looks like and create a solid financial foundation to make it happen.

Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy a lot of things to support a happy life. 

The problem is, what you’ve been taught about budgeting your money doesn’t actually give you all the puzzle pieces you need to support that happy life.

You might think you need to track every penny, cut out spending on anything you enjoy, and sacrifice to reach your money goals.

What you actually need to do is get crystal clear on what matters most to you in life so you can make it a priority while also:

-Getting clear on where your money is going right now

-Learning how to plan ahead with your money

-Shifting your spending to align with your values

The Establish and Expansion programs help you do exactly that by walking you through steps of the 6 E Framework:

Envision - Embody - Establish - Execute - Evaluate - Expansion